For Adults 

Here at Kaleidoscope Wellness, in addition to the foundational belief that a safe, trusting, authentic and transparent therapeutic relationship is the greatest vehicle for change, we also pull from a few theories that help to guide our work.  Whether you need some quick solution-based work, or you’re ready to dig a bit more deeply, we are ready to support you through short or long-term solutions.

Some common issues we can help with:

Life transitions


Relationship conflict

Parenting challenges

Stress management

Feeling lost

Seeking your authentic self




Achieving optimal wellness




In a nutshell, in our psychodynamic approach we believe that we all have unconscious motivations and defense mechanisms that pop up for us in the way we interact with others, feel about ourselves, and make sense of the world.  We will work together in therapy to uncover these unconscious drives and bring them to our conscious awareness.  Often just bringing these processes to our consciousness, the power they hold over us is reduced--once we know what's getting in our way, we often have more control over what to do with that awareness.


Sometimes in addition to getting to the root of a problem, you also need access to solution-focused treatment that offers tools to manage symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works to focus on the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Your therapist will offer techniques and tools to help support you. This framework can be particularly useful in managing symptoms of anxiety.


Gestalt therapy works largely to focus on the ‘here and now’, the power of personal responsibility, and the idea that we all exist within the context of the relationships we have had or have.  Focused experiential exercises may be used to help us tap into emotion and identify themes or goals.


Mindfulness is simply the practice of being present in the moment and being able to tune into what's happening for you in your body (physical/somatic), mind (thoughts) and heart (emotions).  Therapists at Kaleidoscope Wellness practice mindfulness in our personal lives, will be practicing mindfulness during your sessions, and will help cultivate mindfulness in your life through guided practice when it's called for. 

Parent Support

One of our strongest areas of expertise at Kaleidoscope Wellness is parenting support. We partner with soon-to-be parents and parents who may be having difficulty connecting with or understanding their child, are struggling with the shift to parenthood, need strategies for effective parenting, or want to collaboratively develop parenting styles and communicate effectively as a team with their partner.