

LCSW, IEMH-E®, Infant Mental Health Specialist, Early Childhood Mental Health Clinical Mentor

Hi, I’m Alana (uh-LAH-na), and am really glad you stopped by.  Whether it’s for yourself or your child, I know from experience that it’s a brave step to seek out help from a therapist.  Take a deep breath.  You’ve made it this far.   

As a person and professional, I am deeply passionate about striving toward balance and equilibrium—you know, that inner sense of wellness where even when you get tipped over, you trust that you’ll be able rediscover your center. 

I have over 10 years of experience working with children and families impacted by trauma and maltreatment, as well as supervising and mentoring mental health professionals. Academically, I graduated with my master’s degree in Social Work from Fordham University; I’m licensed in NYS as a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW—license #087368), and am endorsed through the New York State Association of Infant Mental Health as an Infant Mental Health Specialist, and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Clinical Mentor.  Through my training, education and experience, I hold particular expertise in providing, consulting and training in areas of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Reflective Supervision, parent-child Emotional Availability®, child-centered high-conflict custody, Child-Centered Play Therapy, the impacts of trauma on children, and crisis intervention for children. In addition to practicing through Kaleidoscope Wellness, I also work as a Director for a Rochester non-for-profit agency that specializes in supporting children and families impacted by trauma. 

My therapeutic style is eclectic, meaning that I’ve pulled from a few different modalities along the way that I’ve found both resonate with me as a person and a therapist, and support individuals and families in making long-lasting moves toward health.  Here are some values/modalities that influence my therapeutic approach: 

  1. I not only value the therapeutic relationship between client/therapist, but believe that infants, toddlers, children and teens develop best within the context of healthy relationships with their caregivers.  I also believe that adults are most balanced when they have a trusting and safe support system.  We’ll work together to explore the beauty (and sometimes sorrow) that are human relationships and help you move toward balance.   

  2. Attachment theory based: a foundational belief that guides the therapy I provide is that the ways in which we were cared for as very young babies and children impact us (positively and negatively). The attachment we had/have with core caregivers shapes the ways in which we are in relationships and the ways in which we see ourselves.

  3. I believe that none of us live in a vacuum and I work to see people within a holistic context; this may mean within the context of your family of origin, experiences, job, spiritual beliefs, race, ethnicity, culture, gender identity, sexual identity, health...we all are complex and require a sophisticated approach. 

  4. Behavior is meaningful, but isn’t always necessarily purposeful.  I believe that we all have conscious and unconscious drives.  Part of my role is to help bring the unconscious to the conscious, which often unlocks doors as we find new ways of approaching our thinking and being. 

  5. I am endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Specialist through New York State’s Association for Infant Mental Health.  This means that I have recognized expertise in the social-emotional, mental health and relational needs of children ages 0-3.  Many people are skeptical to hear that infants and their parents can engage in mental health treatment together.  Head over to our services section to learn more. 

  6. Play is the universal language of children.  Kids don’t communicate like adults do, so why should we expect them to engage in therapy in same way as grown-ups?  I have extensive training and experience in play therapy and truly believe in its power. Understanding and using play therapeutically allows us to look into a kiddo’s inner-world and help them feel understood, even when they don’t have the words to express themselves; this often leads to resolution of conflict/symptoms/behavioral issues.  To learn a bit more about this approach, jump over to our services section

  7. I practice mindfulness and encourage my clients to do the same.  Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations.  Mindfulness can help us live more full and present lives, leads to being attuned with ourselves and with others, and can increase our self-awareness and ability to be insightful.  This practice is woven into therapy that I offer to folks of all ages. 


When I’m not supporting others through my professional roles, here’s a bit more about who I am and what I value: 

Partnership.  Justin’s not only my partner in Kaleidoscope Wellness, but in life!

Spending time with my people.  Feeling connected to people who ‘fill my bucket’—my friends and family— is where I find most joy in my life.  

Nature.  Being in nature, breathing in the serenity, feeling my feet on the earth… ahhhhhhh! 

Being gentle with myself and others.  I, perhaps like you, am constantly walking down the long winding road of self-discovery.  I screw up.  A lot. And other people do too… we are humans, after all!  The phrase “be gentle with yourself/others” is one that resonates with me and is something I try to live by. 

Finding the grey.  In a world that far too often sees things in ‘black & white’, I challenge myself to find the ‘grey’ or what a friend of mine calls the ‘3rd option’. 

Searching for beauty.  Little moments of connection, small acts of kindness, authenticity, fresh cut grass, quiet…sometimes I have to search for it, but I know it’s always there if I’m willing to slow down and look. 

Keeping my world big. One of my clinical (and personal) mentors once told me this phrase and I often come back to it when I’m feeling lost.  If you keep your world big, meaning that you resist getting sucked into the mundane and stay connected to the collective Self, then when life hands you small or devastating blows, you have other aspects of your world that keep you grounded and balanced.   


Choosing a therapist for yourself or your child can be tricky and overwhelming.  We believe that for growth to be achieved, it has to be within the context of a safe and trusting therapeutic relationship.  You may feel a connection to us and you may not; it’s important that you feel comfortable and that our practice is the right fit for you.  Please click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.